Democratic Socialists of America expresses its support for The Disability Integration Act (SB 2427). This critical bill would ensure that seniors and people with disabilities would have the financial resources necessary to receive in home and community-based services as an alternative to institutionalization. More broadly, the bill would stop states and insurance companies from denying these individuals the right to continue living in their communities. In addition to personally touching the lives of many DSAers, DSA believes this bill is important because we view it as part of a larger fight to secure basic civil rights for seniors and people with disabilities who have lacked them for so long. As democratic socialists, we believe the struggle for genuine equality involves ensuring all people have the capacity to lead flourishing lives and to participate as equal members of society with all their brothers and sisters. Consequently, we view the fight for a society that enables people with disabilities to live good lives with dignity as a central component of our democratic socialist vision.
NPC Statement on the Disability Integration Act (SB 2427)
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