A screening and discussion of the groundbreaking new report from Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson "Just Utilities: Organizing For Solutions To The Household Energy Crisis.” Soulardarity and EMEAC are hosting a webinar screening and community discussion on how energy affordability impacts our communities, envision projects, policies, and strategies to address them, and grow our movements for environmental and housing justice.
Learn more about NLMH:
>>>>> About the Webinar...
NLMH members & organizers will share insights into their organizing model, policy proposals, and we'll engage in a discussion about their organizing for an end to price-gouging by utility companies, financial assistance for low-income residents and community-control over utilities.
Utilities justice is a key element of housing security and urban justice and a crucial part of strengthening and expanding the environmental justice and energy democracy movements.
In 2013 the price of utilities had gone up more than 50% since 2000, and 1 in 5 poor renting families nationally missed payments and got shut off notices AND In 2014 there was nearly a $45 billion gap between low-income families’ actual energy utility bills and bills that would have been affordable (6% of gross household income).
>>>>> Download The Report At:
3:00-4:30pm: Webinar Screening
If you’d like to watch the webinar from you computer at home.
4:30-5:30: Break
5:30-7:00: Dinner & Discussion: What does this mean for Michigan?
This will be a facilitated discussion on how our communities experience utility justice issues, and how to align organizing and policy to achieve meaningful solutions. This conversation is intended to break silos and engage our collective genius in finding tangible solutions to energy poverty. We will be recapping the webinar at the beginning of the discussion for those who were not able to attend.
***Food & Drink will be provided***