Liberation Mondays: Defund the Police, Rebuild Our Neighborhoods


Are you a revolutionary?

Join Yusef Shakur, Community Movement Builders, the General Baker Institute, and the Black & Brown Alliance of the Detroit Democratic Socialist of America for a series of neighborhood-based political education events on the movement to defund the police, defend blacks lives, and rebuild our neighborhoods.

Our speakers will be placing the present moment and its demands in the larger context of the fight to end capitalist exploitation -- and the violent, racist police and military tactics used everywhere to defend it.

Our first in a series of Monday teach-ins will be at the Shed on the East Side. Come ready to ask questions, learn, participate, and (if you still need one) find a political home.

Masks are strongly encouraged. We'll be setting up chairs at six feet apart to comply with social distancing protocols.

Some light refreshments will be served.

Will you come?

  • Details

  • June 29, 2020 at 7:00pm – 9pm