RSVP for 8/17 Not Another Bomb Action in Dearborn

With the DNC right around the corner, we will be gathering with local organizations and the Not Another Bomb campaign for a local solidarity rally on Saturday, August 17th at 1pm at Ford Field Park in Dearborn (22051 Cherry Hill Dearborn, MI. 48124) to call on political decision makers to cease arming Israel.

The event begins at 1:30, but we are asking chapter members (you) to meet up at 1pm. at the Ford Field Park Picnic Shelter (500 Monroe St, Dearborn, MI 48124). If you can't make it until 1:30pm, you can go right to the address above. Either way the two locations are very close together. There is a large parking lot at the park.

It is well past time for the United States to stop arming and funding the genocide in Gaza.
As socialists, there is no greater task in front of us than ending the genocide in Gaza. Our chapter is mobilizing to support the Not Another Bomb campaign because it is imperative we contribute to the movement to do just that. See you on Saturday!

Will you come?